Wellness For Couples

Wellness For Couples

Love is like a dance - Sometimes it flows and sometimes it needs work to make sure you are doing all the right steps!

  • Emotional connection?

  • Comforting each other when needed?

  • Confidence in your future together?

  • Effective communication?

Do you feel like you and your partner are in need of a "Tune Up" with the following:

In working with me, we will assess your dance, and see how we can increase your flow in communication, your emotional connection, and your confidence in your relationship.

Therapy is not for the
following couples:

As I enjoy working with all couples, my area of focus is on strengthening the love between the two of you, using your strengths, your foundation, and incorporating concepts from The Strengthening Families Curriculum by Dr. Karol Kumpfer and the EFT Model by Dr. Sue Johnson (Emotional Focused Therapy for Couples).

  • Couples who are separating

  • Couples who are getting a divorce

  • Domestic violence involved

Get in Touch with me for a free 15min consult:


or by sending me an email below: